OSLC Endowment Fund Grant Application 2025

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Please complete the application. Applications accepted March 1 through April 30 each year. Funds Available for disbursement June 1.
Please read before filling out Part 1 or Part 2.

Endowment Fund was established to enhance the ministry and mission of Our Savior's Lutheran Church and makes grants in four categories.

1. Missions - Worldwide ministries, evangelism, social ministries, or capital financing for the ELCA and other mission work.

2. Outreach - Support for outreach into the community and synod such as seminaries, colleges, schools, social service agencies and other special programs.

3. Capital Improvement - Support for debt reduction, building program and other Christian activities.

4. Financial Aid - Support for students attending ELCA seminaries, colleges, schools, for church camps, mission trips, and church sponsored youth activities.

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Grant Application Part 1

Applicant Information:
Grantee agrees to the following:

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Grant Application Part 2:

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